Piraty Ola WayOla and Lillian(8 🏴‍☠️👸)Log InGet started

Are your devs STUCK with their content creation?

Are your devs STUCK with their content creation? 🤔

Writing a useful technical blog-post is surprisingly hard, especially if you only write a handful each year. Making a technical video is even harder, especially for a dev, introvert or not. But you already know that.

Imagine your dev publishing REGULARLY & with visible smiles

Playfulness with coding has been our strength for over ten years.

A live stream is less stress with an experienced dev to help 😃

if your devs get helped with EVERYTHING by a more experienced dev they trust.

YOUR dev only has to show up on the live stream, if you let MY team do the rest 👩‍🏫

Let MY team do all the "hard" stuff so that YOUR dev only has to show up and talk to me about everyday work stuff while I live code on with YOUR tool.

Version 2. Is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KrhTOxn74nGdfGvcCfaH7N2hLzxN3w6kDGDChIZ735g/edit?usp=sharing

© Lillian (7 🏴‍☠️👸) and Cap'n Ola Vea (43 🏴‍☠️⛵) and their cheerful crew of skill-builder pirates 1554 - 2024